This Week & Calendar

Family Check-In

Membership Renewal

Each year, we take a season to ask those who are a part of our family to recommit to being a member of Journey Church.

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Family Check-In

one nights

Giving Joy

one nights

Giving Joy

Toy Drive Beginning July 6/7 

Through Giving Joy, we get the opportunity to come together and support parents in our local community by providing them with Christmas gifts for their children. 

This year, we are holding our Giving Joy donations in July. This will allow us to begin to collect donations and build an inventory for this event in December. We need your help, Journey Church Family! We are excited to celebrate Christmas in July through Giving Joy.

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It's Time to Celebrate

group of people talking outside

August 10 & 11

Don't Let Summer End Without One Last Bash!

Join us for our Back to School Bash where we will celebrate kids moving up to their next age and grade level with:

Free Inflatables + So Much Fun

The fun happens during service so make sure to check them into Journey Kids for all the excitement!

Everyone is welcome—join us August 10 & 11!

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Parent Night

group of people talking outside

Parent Night

Come Find Out Why It Starts in the Student Section

Parent Night is a time to gather as students and parents to kick off the new school year. We will worship together, learn about the vision and events for the upcoming school year, and you will get a chance to meet your student leaders. We can’t wait to see you at each of our locations for Parent Night.

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Community is essential to growing in your relationship with Jesus.
GroupLink connects you to a LifeGroup where you learn, grow, and encourage each other. Join a LifeGroup and learn what it truly means to be connected to community!

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group of people talking outside

Global Leadership Summit

The Global Leadership Summit is the largest leadership experience in the world which partners with local churches, ministries, and organizations to help leaders to grow and become a catalyst for change. With the partnership of industry-leading experts that represent the best of ministry wisdom with marketplace insights, GLS will inspire and equip you to lead boldly and wisely, no matter where you serve in the world!


Schedule Your Gift

If you're looking for ways to put God first in your life, this is an easy one. Choose to give automatically at a frequency that fits your life.

Schedule Your Giving

Family Outside at the Orange City location

Upcoming Events
