Journey Kids

Love God, Love Life, Love Others.

Every weekend we create a safe and intentional environment for babies to 5th graders to experience Jesus through worship, interactive lessons, and fun! We connect them to what it means to love God by inciting wonder in who God is, to love life by provoking discovery in the beautiful things He has created us to experience, and to love others by fueling passion to help the people around them.

It's Time to Celebrate

group of people talking outside

August 10 & 11

Don't Let Summer End Without One Last Bash!

Join us for our Back to School Bash where we will celebrate kids moving up to their next age and grade level with:

Free Inflatables + So Much Fun

The fun happens during service so make sure to check them into Journey Kids for all the excitement!

Everyone is welcome—join us August 10 & 11!

Learn More

Child Dedication

Child Dedication

We believe Psalm 127:3, which says “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.” Child Dedication is a time for us to celebrate and thank God for the gift of your children. It’s also a time for us to equip you, as parents, to commit to model what following Jesus looks like and to raise your children to understand that they are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, to believe that the Bible is absolute Truth, and to know the importance of committing to a community of faith through the local church.

See Upcoming Dedications

Pre-Register Your Family

We have a team ready to greet you, help you find your way around, answer your questions, and make you feel at home. If this is your kids first time please pre-register them for a quick and easy check-in.

Parent Cue

Whether you missed church this weekend or want to see what we learned in Journey Kids, check out the Parent Cue app. This app has fun, age-specific Bible story videos, memory verses, prayers, conversation prompts and devotionals to do together as a family.

Download Here!

Parent Cue

group of people talking outside