40 Days Discussion Questions | Week 3
The Hustle to Measure Up
We often feel exhausted and unfulfilled in a world that pushes us to hustle endlessly. We toil somewhere between success and failure. However, true success isn’t solely about our achievements—it’s about what Jesus has already accomplished for us. This week, we’ll explore how His finished work provides genuine fulfillment, enabling us to rest in His grace and discover our worth in Him.
Memory Verse for Week 3: “Whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ” Philippians 3:7–8 NIV
Try using this Bible verse memorization tool. Each letter in the following line is the first letter of the memory verse.
Dig a little deeper into the memory verse. Ask yourself the following three questions. Discuss your answers with your group:
What? (What is this verse saying?)
So What? (What does it mean to me?)
Now What? (To apply this verse, I must.)
1. How many of you would say, “I want to be successful”? How many of you would say, “I feel like I have failed at something”?
2. Why do you think the need for validation from others can be so exhausting?
3. Read Philippians 3:3-4. Paul knew firsthand that it’s not what you can show on the outside that proves your success—it’s what happens in your heart. What does Paul mean when he says he puts "no confidence in the flesh"?
4. Read Philippians 3:7-8 If anyone understood the pressure to measure up, it was Paul. He was incredibly driven, highly motivated, and deeply ambitious. How does Paul redefine success? What does this mean for us today?
5. Pastor James said, “Every time I chased the next thing, I was blind to what God was doing in the moment.” What does it look like in daily life to stop chasing "there" and start living in God's purpose now?
6. We all want to know that we have a purpose. What do you boast about? What do you put confidence in to make you feel like you have a purpose? Because whatever you boast about, that is your definition of measuring up.
7. Read Philippians 3:9-10. Paul has devoted his entire life to measuring his worth through his actions. Now, he speaks about righteousness that comes from faith in Christ rather than works. How does this challenge the way people often think about success?
8. If your confidence is in something you can achieve or lose, you’ll always be exhausted and insecure. How does trusting in Jesus’ finished work change how you view your own achievements?
9. Read Philippians 3:7-10. Success or failure does not define our worth—our purpose is to glorify God in all circumstances. Whether we succeed or fail, God remains sovereign, and our identity as His beloved children in Christ remains unchanged. How can we remind each other to find confidence in Christ rather than worldly success?
10. How does understanding that God already values you influence your approach to work, relationships, and faith?
Last Thoughts and Reminders
Breaking free from the hustle to measure up begins with; 1) placing your confidence in Christ instead of in achievements, 2) embracing God’s purpose now rather than pursuing an elusive future, and 3) shifting from proving ourselves to deepening our relationship with Jesus, where our true worth lies. Jesus is calling you to step off the treadmill and surrender, for in surrender, you will find freedom.
The Easter invite cards are out! Who have you invited to Easter? Will you join the challenge of inviting at least one person each week?

Would you consider serving at one of our Easter services? We will have many first-time visitors on campus, and we want everyone to feel at home. If you would like to help, please scan the QR code and complete the Volunteer Interest Form. You won’t be committing to a team (although you might fall in love with it!); we simply want to discuss how you could contribute. Guest Experience and Journey Kids are where we will have the greatest need on Easter Weekend.
We invite you to join us for one or all of our Night of Prayer events starting at 6:30 pm:
• Daytona – April 3 (4 Rivers)
• Orange City – April 6 – Auditorium
• Online (streamed) – April 13
• DeLand – April 8 – Stetson University Student Union (CUB 203)
• Deltona – April 1 - Deltona Presbyterian Church, 2300 Howland Blvd, Deltona
Mark your calendar and plan to attend Consume, our Good Friday Worship Service, on April 18 at 6:30 pm at our Orange City location. Just a reminder that childcare is not provided, so please start planning now.