Pushing Past The Crowd
Watch the Message
Pushing Past The Crowd | Luke 8:42-48
1. What does desperation look like in your own life? Have you ever been desperate for something but looked in the wrong places?
2. Read Luke 8:42-48. The woman had suffered for 12 years. How do you think she felt when no one could heal her? How does her perseverance encourage you?
3. What are some ways people today look for healing or fulfillment in the wrong places?
4. The woman had to push past the crowd to reach Jesus. What kinds of "crowds" or obstacles do we face in our faith journeys?
5. In what ways do daily routines, work, family, or distractions keep us from drawing closer to Jesus?
6. Jesus immediately recognized that power had gone out from Him when the woman touched His garment. What does this tell us about His response to our faith?
7. Read Matthew 11:28-30. What does it mean to take Jesus' yoke upon ourselves? How does He offer true rest?
8. The woman’s healing was both physical and spiritual. How has faith in Jesus transformed your life?
9. Which of the five commitments (Participate, Read, Join with others, Memorize, Sacrifice) is the hardest for you? Why?
10. What obstacles (crowd) are in your way of making these commitments over the next 40 days? How can this group help you overcome them?
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