Hot Takes – Gender and Sexuality

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Hot Takes – Gender and Sexuality

This week, Pastor James will speak alongside Laura Perry Smalts about gender and sexuality. Laura was born as a female but spent 8 years of her life living as a transgender man before God radically transformed her life.

Laura recently started a ministry called Eden’s Redemption, whose sole purpose is to “teach God’s incredible design of male and female, why it matters, and the glory of God it points to.” This week, we will discuss how, ultimately, God still wants you no matter what you've done, how far you run, or what sins you've committed. He’s pursuing you; He loves you and desires to transform you. He doesn't want to leave you broken.

Group Leaders: pray before you begin this discussion. Pray that God will lead you with truth, Grace, and wisdom. Pray that each person would guard their words and seek to bring glory to God through this time.

1. Read Isaiah 64:5-9. God is not telling His people that righteous living is impossible. God is angry at the pseudo-righteous deeds of religious hypocrites. Why does hypocrisy hurt the Church so much? What can we do to fight hypocrisy in our own life?

2. Laura mentioned the phrase “Dead Religion.” Many people attend church regularly but never truly grasp the core message of the gospel. They follow traditions, rituals, and rules but miss out on the transforming power of a personal relationship with Jesus. True faith is not just about going through the motions but about experiencing God's grace and salvation in a real and personal way. How can someone grow up in church yet miss the heart of the gospel, and what steps can they take to understand and embrace it truly?

3. When we experience hurt, disappointment, or sin, we often build emotional and spiritual walls to protect ourselves. However, these walls don't just keep out pain; they also block the love, healing, and support that we need from God and others. Instead of isolating ourselves, we should allow God’s love to break down our barriers. In what ways do people build walls in their spiritual lives, and how can they allow God to tear them down?

4. The principle of sowing and reaping applies to every area of life, including our spiritual walk. When we choose sin, we plant seeds that lead to brokenness, regret, and consequences. On the other hand, when we live in obedience to God, we cultivate a harvest of righteousness, peace, and joy. What are some examples of how people sow in sin and expect a different outcome? How can we be more intentional about sowing good seeds in our lives?

5. From the very beginning, Satan has deceived humanity into believing that life apart from God is better. This lie leads people to trust in their own wisdom, desires, and plans instead of surrendering to God’s perfect will. However, true fulfillment and purpose can only be found in God. What are some common lies that Satan uses to convince people they don’t need God, and how can we combat those lies with truth?

6. What we allow into our minds and hearts shapes our thoughts, desires, and actions. Exposure to pornography and sexual sin distorts our view of relationships, love, and even God’s design for intimacy. Over time, these influences take root and impact our ability to live in purity and holiness. How does exposure to sexual sin affect the way we think and act, and what practical steps can we take to guard our minds and hearts?

7. Read Isaiah 59:1. God pursues us when we are at our worst. What does this say about how God wants us to relate to others? What can you give to God to show gratitude for all that He has done for you?

8. Read John 12:32. What is Jesus saying in this verse? What does this verse say to the person who thinks he needs to convince people to follow Jesus? Is there any greater work that we can do other than point people to Jesus? What does that look like?

9. Read John 1:1-5. Consider verse three: Can we love God and yet reject His creation? One of the last things Jesus commanded His followers to do was to make disciples (see Matthew 28:19-20), who are you discipling? Who are you bringing under your wing to point them to Jesus?