You Are Not Alone - How Did I Get Here?

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How did I Get Here?

1 Kings 19:1-19

Many of us have experienced that the darkness of depression is real, even when we’re living in the light of God’s grace. This week, Pastor James is starting a new sermon series called “You Are Not Alone.” Through this series, we will learn to manage stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, and toxic thinking.

1. Would you rather face a difficult challenge completely alone or tackle an easy task with someone who frustrates you?

2. Read 1 Kings 19:1–4a. Elijah had just achieved something remarkable in the name of God. Next, he learns that Jezebel is threatening his life. How did Elijah respond after hearing the threat? What emotions do you think Elijah experienced at that moment? What do you think it is that truly frightened Elijah?

3. What are the dangers of withdrawing from others when times get tough?

4. Read 1 Kings 19:4b. Pastor James mentioned that one danger in life is that you can "become hopeless about your future.” Can you recall a time when you felt hopeless about your future? How did God help you through it?

5. Pastor James mentioned that the difference lies in how we process our feelings. If you had the opportunity to speak with Elijah at this moment, what would you say to him?

6. Read 1 Kings 19:5-10. The feeling of helplessness is real. We often feel like we are the only ones experiencing what we are going through. Pastor James said, “We can’t let our feelings control our lives.” Even when Elijah was running from God, God was running toward him. What is the danger of allowing our feelings to control our lives?

7. Read 1 Kings 19:11-14. God appeared in a whisper. Can you recall a time when you sought God in the miraculous, yet He revealed Himself in a gentle whisper instead?

8. Notice how Elijah repeated verse 10 in verse 14. He was trapped in a narrative, stuck in the cave because he continued to tell the same story. Notice how God is absent from Elijah’s tale. You will remain stuck if you have God in your life but let others influence your thoughts. What had God done in his life (in the past few verses)? What has God accomplished in your life that you are not focusing on?

9. Read 1 Kings 19:15–18. God shows Elijah that He is in control and has everything sorted out. God has a plan for everything you are going through. What will it take for you to trust God to help you with everything you're dealing with? Encourage your group to pray that you will have faith that God is with you and has a plan for your life.