You Can’t Outgive God
1 Kings 17:1-16
This week, Pastor James taught us that God's provision is unlocked when we trust Him with what we have. He used 1 Kings 17 to teach about Elijah and the widow. Overcoming fear and prioritizing generosity enables us to experience God's faithfulness and contribute to His greater plan. This week, we will discuss how, by giving sacrificially, we become vessels of His blessings and impact the world around us.
1. What was your favorite part of the message this week?
2. Why do you think a scarcity mindset often keeps people from living generously? Have you ever struggled with this mindset?
3. Read In 1 Kings 17:1-16, God used ravens and a widow to provide for Elijah. What does this teach us about God's ability to provide in unexpected ways?
4. Of the times that God provided for you, how often was the blessing in a different way than what you anticipated? How did He provide?
5. Elijah told the widow, “Don’t be afraid.” What fears hold you back from trusting God fully with your resources or decisions?
6. Why do you think faith and generosity are so closely connected? How has trusting God financially impacted your spiritual growth?
7. What were the ingredients for a miracle in the widow’s life? How do you think we can recognize and act on the “ingredients for a miracle” in our own lives?
8. Read Matthew 6:32-33. How does the promise in these verses (“Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well”) encourage you to step out in faith? Can you share a time when you trusted God with your resources and saw His provision?
9. Pastor James emphasized the principle of “putting God first.” How does this challenge the common practice of giving from what’s left over? How does faith play a role in putting God first?
Next week, we will take up the Expansion Offering; take time to pray about what He is calling you to do. Ask Him to help you overcome any fears or scarcity mindset and to trust Him fully with your resources. Pray for the courage to give sacrificially and consistently, believing that He will use your faithfulness to make an eternal impact in the lives of others. Finally, invite the Holy Spirit to guide you in aligning your priorities with God's purposes so you can experience the joy of being part of His miraculous work.
As we approach December 7th and 8th, will you pray and ask God how He wants you to be part of this vision? This isn’t just about raising money—it’s about worship. It’s about giving Jesus everything because He is worthy.