Live It Out - Jesus Over Everything

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Live It Out - Jesus Over Everything

Matthew 14:22-33

As followers of Jesus, one of our most crucial decisions is to put Him first—above everything else. This isn’t just a one-time choice; it’s a daily commitment. Living with Jesus over everything means that He takes the highest place in our hearts, our decisions, and all we do. Jesus is over the storm, He’s over our fears, He’s over our failures, and He’s over our future. This week, we will discuss how we can be a church that doesn’t just know this but lives it out daily.

1. What thought or idea stood out to you this week as you listened to the message from Pastor James?

2. Read Matthew 14:22-27. Jesus had just finished feeding 5000 people with just two fish and five loaves of bread. The text does not say that the disciples feared the storm; they were frightened when they saw Jesus walking on the water. The point of the storm was to reveal Jesus’ power. How did this situation demonstrate Jesus’ power?

3. In Matthew 14:27, Jesus said, “Take courage! It is I (I AM). Don’t be afraid.” He isn’t just comforting them—He’s revealing His true identity as God. The phrase “It is I” translates to “I AM” in Greek, echoing the very name God used to reveal Himself to Moses in Exodus 3:14: “I AM WHO I AM.” This is a direct claim to divinity, showing that Jesus is God in the flesh, the one with power over all creation. Is there an area where you’re struggling to trust Jesus as the ultimate authority? How might remembering His divinity help you surrender that area to Him?

4. Read Job 9:8. The same voice that called light into existence, that said, “Let there be light,” is the same voice that said, “Take courage, it is I; don’t be afraid.” He commanded creation then, and He commands it now. Who can speak to the storm in your life and have it obey? Can you share a time when Jesus came through in this way?

5. Read Colossians 1:16. Jesus is the Creator of all that exists. Everything in the heavens and on earth, whether visible or invisible, including all forms of power, authority, and rulers, was created by Him. This establishes His absolute authority over all creation. How would you explain this passage to a five-year-old?

6. Read Matthew 14:28-29. Following Jesus means stepping out in faith even when the circumstances are uncertain or overwhelming. Because Jesus is over everything, Living with Jesus over everything means we are willing to step out in faith, even when the circumstances around us seem impossible. How can you practice faith without waiting for everything to be just right? Why is it so difficult to do?

7. Peter's confidence was not in his ability to walk on water but in Jesus' greatness. His boldness came from knowing that it was safer to be with Jesus in the middle of the storm than to stay in the comfort of the boat. When we walk by faith, we trust that Jesus is greater than our circumstances. How can focusing on Jesus’ power and greatness give us the confidence we need to get out of the boat?

8. Read Matthew 14:30. Peter had the faith to get out of the boat. Why did he lose the COURAGE to keep going forward? Can you share a time when you did the same thing?

9. When Peter began to sink, Jesus reached out to catch him, showing that He will not allow us to sink. You don’t have to panic in the storm because Jesus is over it all. Keeping your eyes on Him is essential—He’s where we find our security, not in our circumstances and not in our own abilities. His power sustains us even when we falter. How does this lesson teach us that Jesus is not just over our successes but also over our failures?

10. Read 2 Corinthians 5:7. When we walk by faith, we trust that Jesus is greater than our circumstances. Our faith is not rooted in what we see or understand but in the power and greatness of Jesus. How can your group help you find the confidence to move forward in all God has for you?

As we look ahead to God's future for us, Pastor James challenged us: "Will you step out of the boat? Will you trust Jesus over everything, even when it’s scary?" As we approach December 7th and 8th, will you pray and ask God how He wants you to be part of this vision? This isn’t just about raising money—it’s about worship. It’s about giving Jesus everything because He is worthy.

Imagine what could happen if we, as a church, lived with this kind of surrendered worship. Imagine the impact we could have if every one of us said, “Jesus, everything I have is yours.” It would transform not only our lives but also our community. This is why we have Nights of Prayer: This year, we will have three Nights of Prayer. Each night, we will focus our prayers on a specific aspect of the Ten-Year Vision God has given our church.

  • November 17, 2024 @ 6:30 p.m. We will meet for prayer online. This night, we will pray specifically for Missions and our impact in Haiti, The Dominican Republic, India, and worldwide.
  • November 19, 2024, @ 6:30 p.m.: 4 Rivers restaurant in Daytona. This night, we will pray for the launch of our Daytona location and the rest of the ten locations to come.
  • November 21, 2024 @ 6:30 p.m. We will meet at the Dreka Theater in DeLand and pray for our DeLand location to include raising the rest of the funds for renovations, for impact in the City of DeLand, and that renovations will proceed without delays or complications.