Taming the Tongue - Dr. Kevin Jones

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Taming the Tongue

Dr. Kevin Jones

James 3:1-12

1. What stood out to you in Pastor Jones’ sermon this week?

2. Read James 3:1. Why do you think James warns that not many should become teachers? How does this apply to those in leadership or influence today?

3. Read James 3:2-4. James uses the imagery of a bit in a horse’s mouth and a ship’s rudder to illustrate the power of the tongue. How do small words or comments have a large impact in our lives and relationships?

4. What are some examples of situations where words have had a greater impact than the speaker may have intended? Have you experienced this in your own life?

5. Read James 3: 5-6. James describes the tongue as a fire that can "set on fire the entire course of life". How do words have the potential to either build up or destroy? Can you think of a time when your careless words caused significant harm?

6. Can you share a time when someone else’s careless words hurt you? How did that experience affect you?

7. In verses 7-8, James says that no human being can fully tame the tongue. What does this suggest about the challenges of controlling our speech? How can we rely on God to help us in this area?

8. Read James 3:9-10. How do these verses reveal the inconsistency in using our words to both praise God and curse others? Why do you think James finds this so troubling?

9. Dr Jones said we need to "bless the Lord with every word" How can we practically strive to honor God with how we speak daily?

10. Read James 3:11-12. James uses metaphors about springs and fruit to explain how our words reflect what’s in our hearts. How do our words reveal the state of our hearts? What steps can we take to ensure our words align with a heart that honors God?