We Need To Talk :: It's Time To Let It Go

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We Need To Talk :: It's Time To Let It Go

Colossians 3:13 

1. Relationships can be complicated. Can you think of a situation in your relationships where tensions and bitterness built up to the point where it felt like a tangled mess that was impossible to unravel?

2. Read Colossians 3:12-13. Paul teaches us to "clothe" ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. In what ways can you “put on” these virtues in your daily family, friend, or work relationships? Can you identify specific areas where you may need more patience or gentleness?

3. What does it mean to “Bear with one another?” What are some small annoyances, habits, or personality differences in others that tend to get under our skin? How might showing mercy instead of irritation change the dynamic in those relationships? What are some examples of how bitterness can grow and grow even from small things? How does showing mercy inject sweetness into the relationship?

4. When you think about your closest relationships, how long is your fuse? How can you extend it, especially with those closest to you?

5. Read Colossians 3:13 again. We are called to forgive as the Lord forgave us. How does reflecting on God’s forgiveness toward you help you to forgive others? Is there someone in your life that God is calling you to forgive, and what steps can you take?

6. Think of a time when you had to forgive a significant hurt. How did you rely on God's strength to help you through that process? What role did prayer and scripture play?

7. What are some common things that hold us back from choosing to forgive others? What are some ways that we can overcome those obstacles and trust in God to help us forgive?

8. Read Colossians 3:18-21 Paul gives specific instructions for family relationships. How can forgiveness and mercy help you live out Paul's instructions to husbands, wives, parents, and children in Colossians 3:18-21? How does unforgiveness block these roles?

9. What are some specific ways we can pray for each other when it comes to learning to show mercy and forgiveness?