Focus 2024 - Drop the Chains

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Focus 2024 :: Drop the Chains

Romans 7

Sin isn't just an action; it’s a powerful force that enslaves us. Romans 7 explains our internal battle—the desire to do good but being trapped by sin’s control. Through Jesus, we find freedom from sin's control, and this freedom comes by following Him as our Lord. This week, we will discuss how Jesus Christ gives us the power to be set free.

1. What stood out to you in this week’s message?

2. Read Romans 7:15-19. How do these verses describe the internal struggle we face with sin? Have you experienced this tension between wanting to do good yet feeling trapped?

3. Read Romans 7:20. What does it mean to be "controlled" by something? Can you think of examples in your own life where you’ve felt controlled by sin or bad habits?

• Jesus has the power to free you from sin.

4. Read Romans 7:25. It’s not about what I need to do, but Jesus Christ has done. Paul says, the answer, the place where you find freedom from the power of sin is not in what, but a who—Jesus Christ.

• Freedom comes through following Jesus.

5. What does true freedom in Christ look like? How is it different from simply trying harder to be a better person?

• Choose to live free.

6. Read Romans 6:12-15. Why is it important to remember that sin no longer has "legal" control over us once we’re in Christ? How can this truth change the way we live?

• Fix your eyes on Jesus.

7. Read Hebrews 12:1-2 What are some practical ways we can "throw off everything that hinders" in our race of faith?

8. How does fixing our eyes on Jesus help us gain freedom from sin? Why do you think focusing on saying "yes" to Him is more powerful than just resisting sin?

9. What areas of your life do you need to surrender more fully to Jesus to experience the freedom He offers? How can you take steps to do that this week?