We Need to Talk - What’s Your Legacy?

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We Need to Talk :: What’s Your Legacy?

Deuteronomy 6:1-12

Every family carries its own set of issues. Beneath the surface, no matter how polished things might seem, there’s a deeper story of brokenness. And it’s not just an individual problem—it’s a generational one. This week, we will discuss how just because it’s been that way in the past doesn’t mean it has to continue.

1. What stood out to you in the sermon this week?

2. Read Deuteronomy 6:1-2. “So that” is mentioned twice in these verses. When words are repeated like this, it’s a good indication that there is something important that the author is looking to communicate. What is Moses saying in these two verses?

3. Why is it important for your generation to be an example and leave a great spiritual legacy for the next generation? What kind of spiritual and moral legacy do you want to leave for the next generation?

4. How can we intentionally break negative family cycles and ensure that we pass on blessings instead of burdens?

5. Read Deuteronomy 6:6-9. God is giving us some commands here. Would God give us commands if it wasn’t important? How can your example of faith influence those closest to you, such as your children, spouse, or family members? What do you need to change in order to model a love for God that inspires others to do the same?

6. Read Deuteronomy 6:10-12. We have all prayed earnestly for God to rescue us or provide something that we desperately need. How easy is it to lose our focus on God when things are good? The first 12 verses of Deuteronomy speak more about a relationship with God than it does about following rules. What steps can you take to shift from trying to control behavior to building a relational foundation with God that will encourage those around you to seek God on their own?

7. You will influence your family, either in a good or bad way. There is no way around it. Pastor James said that we need to “leverage our influence with purpose.” What spiritual practices or lessons were passed down to you from previous generations, and how have they impacted your life?

8. In what ways do distractions and busyness prevent you from focusing on loving God and leading your family spiritually? Is there an excuse that is actually relevant?

9. Pastor James said we also need to “Define what matters most.” Talk about this. What matters most to you? Is it what you do or who you are becoming? Is it how well you kids do in sports, school, work or is it who they are becoming?

10 Finally, Pastor James said, “Lead with the Future in Focus.” How can you lead your family with the "end in mind" by focusing on long-term spiritual growth rather than just managing behavior?

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