We Need To Talk... You Look Overwhelmed

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We Need To Talk... You Look Overwhelmed

John Sellers

The issues we face in our family can be overwhelming at times. It can feel like juggling so many things and always feeling like we are dropping the ball somewhere. What are some examples of the kind of issues you face in your family that can overwhelm you?

1. Read Matthew 6:25-27. Jesus tells us not to be anxious. Jesus uses the example of birds to illustrate God’s care. How can understanding that God values you more than birds change your perspective on family worries?

2. Read Matthew 6:28-30. Consider how Jesus describes the lilies of the field. How does recognizing God’s provision for something as simple as flowers help you trust Him with the complexities of your family life?

3. Read Matthew 6:31-32. Jesus tells us that our Heavenly Father knows what we need. How does this assurance that He is there and that He knows affect your approach to family responsibilities and anxieties? How does it help you to know that you are not alone when it comes to caring for and holding the responsibility of your family’s needs? 

4. Read Matthew 6:33. Jesus emphasizes seeking the Kingdom of God first. What you put first matters. In what ways do the priorities you saw modeled in the family you grew up in shape what you prioritize today? What might need to change to align your family’s priorities with seeking God’s Kingdom first?

5. Read Matthew 6:34. How can focusing on today help reduce your anxiety about family issues? What practical steps can you take to live more in the present and trust God with tomorrow?

6. Reflect on Deuteronomy 5:10. How does knowing God shows faithful love to those who love Him and keep His commands impact your perspective on family worries and priorities? What can your family do to experience God’s faithful love across generations?

7. Personal Reflection: Considering the tension between providing for and spending time with your family, how can you balance these responsibilities in light of Jesus' teachings in Matthew 6? What specific changes can you make this week to prioritize your family while trusting God with your needs?