How to Discover What Pleases God

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How to Discover What Pleases God.

Genesis 18:16-33

Abraham’s bold requests in Genesis 18:16-33 demonstrate a faith that seeks God's intervention. Abraham believed that God could turn Sodom and Gomorrah around. Genesis 18:26 shows God’s willingness to spare the city for the sake of the righteous. Abraham’s faith teaches us to pray persistently, believing that God can intervene in our situations. This week, we will discuss how this kind of faith-filled approach to prayer fuels our optimism about our future.

What thought impacted you the most in the message this week?

1. Pastor James said, “Real faith, according to the Bible, is responding to a living God who speaks and acts.” The following four points help us to answer the question: “How do you find out what pleases God?”

Walk Closely with God

2. Read Genesis 18:16-17. How does Abraham’s act of walking (pursuing) with the visitors illustrate the importance of staying close to God in our daily lives? Can you share personal experiences of times when walking closely with God brought clarity to your life?

3. Read Ephesians 5:10. “and find out what pleases the Lord.” Do you find the command a joy or a burden?

4. Read Jeremiah 29:13 and Proverbs 3:5-6 Thess passages emphasize seeking God wholeheartedly. What practical steps can we take to seek God’s will with all our hearts? What do we learn from this story of Abraham about seeking God wholeheartedly?

Process Your Uncertainties with God

5. Read Genesis 18:22-23. Abraham brings his uncertainties about Sodom and Gomorrah before God. How do you handle your uncertainties and doubts with God? What does this story teach us about God's response to our questions?

6. Engaging in honest dialogue with God opens us to His wisdom and peace. This ongoing conversation strengthens our faith and helps us navigate the complexities of life with divine guidance. What do Abraham’s actions teach us about boldly approaching God with our uncertainties?

7. How have you been able to process uncertainties in your life with God recently?

Pray Persistently for God to Intervene

8. Pastor James said, “complaining about our situations is just prayer in reverse.” Instead of complaining about what is happening, why should we rise up and bring our concerns to God, asking Him to intervene directly?

9. Read Genesis 18:26. Abraham’s persistent prayer for Sodom and Gomorrah shows deep faith. How does this encourage you to pray persistently for the situations in your life? What are some examples of persistent prayers that have made a difference for you or others?

Relinquish Control to God.

10. Read Genesis 18:33. After speaking with God, Abraham leaves the matter in God’s hands. What does it mean to relinquish control to God? How can we practice this in our daily lives, especially in stressful situations?

11. Read Romans 8:31-32. This passage reassures us of God's support and the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus. How do these verses strengthen your faith in God’s promises? How can we encourage each other to trust in God’s perfect wisdom and love in our small group?