Location Pastors

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Location Pastors 


1. Read 1 Thessalonians 4:9-10. Paul commends the Thessalonians for their love for others. How have you experienced this kind of brotherly love in your life through the church? Share specific examples.

2. Paul urges the Thessalonians to “do this more and more.” What practical steps can you take to increase your expression of love towards others in your daily life?

3. Read 1 Thessalonians 4:11. What does it mean to you to “aspire to live quietly,” as mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 4:11? How does this differ from the way our culture often encourages us to respond?

4. Discuss the importance of “minding your own affairs” in the context of influencing others. How can focusing on our own growth and actions be more impactful than pointing out the faults of others?

5. How have you seen gossip impact relationships and communities? How can we be more intentional about building others up?

6. Read 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12. Paul instructs believers to “work with your hands” and live honorably. How does your work ethic reflect your faith? What changes, if any, could you make to ensure that you are working with integrity and excellence?

7. Consider the influence believers can have in their workplaces. How can you, in your specific job or role, demonstrate a Christ-like attitude and work ethic that sets you apart?

8. Compare the idea of quiet influence with the more common notion of being loud to make a point. Share examples where you’ve seen quiet, consistent actions speak louder than words or loud actions.

9. Jesus taught us to “take the plank out of your own eye” before pointing out others' faults. How can you apply this teaching in your life? What areas of personal growth do you need to focus on?

10. Reflect on the conclusion that we should live for the glory of Jesus through genuine love, personal growth in your faith, and honorable work. How can you commit to these principles in your own life and in your community?