He's Still Working On You

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He’s Still Working On You 

Ephesians 2:10 

1. How has your life changed since you came to faith in Christ? Can you identify specific ways in which you see the difference between your "B.C." (Before Christ) and "A.D." (After Christ) life?

2. Read Ephesians 2:8-9. Our salvation is a gift of grace and not by works. How does this understanding of grace impact your daily life and your relationship with God?

3. Ephesians 2:10 It teaches that we are God's workmanship. What does this mean to you personally? How do you see God working on you and shaping you over the course of time in your life? What kinds of things does he use to grow you and change you?

4. If we are God’s workmanship and His creation, how should that impact the way we handle negative self-talk? How can we cultivate a more positive and God-honoring view of ourselves?

5. What’s the difference between good works being the root of our faith versus the fruit of our faith? How does this reality change how we experience and walk in God's good things for our lives?

6. Reread Ephesians 2:10. Why do you think God wants us to know that He has prepared good works for us beforehand? What are some of the good works He prepares for us in our family? Our church? Our world?

7 What keeps us from walking in the good works God prepares for us? What steps can you take to walk more intentionally in the calling and purpose He has prepared for you?