SPREAD It Out Before the Lord

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SPREAD It Out Before the Lord

2 Kings 19:14-19

When our beliefs and life experiences seem to be at odds, it's important to remember that God is not distant or indifferent. This week's sermon is a powerful testament to His active presence and His willingness to step in when we bring our fears to Him.

1. How did God use the sermon this week to impact your life?

2. Pastor James described how we all get a letter from the enemy threatening us and trying to get into our heads with all our problems. Can you share what this letter is for you?

3. Read 2 Kings 19:10–11. Hezekiah has taken a stand, but the enemy keeps threatening. He asks him a question in the letter that the evil one will ask you as you take your stand. "Will God really deliver you?” Can you share a time when the enemy taunted you with a similar question? How did things turn out for you?

4. Read 2 Kings 19:14-19. In moments of profound distress, when the enemy's onslaught seems relentless, and our spirits are battered, we find solace in the ancient practice of laying our troubles before the Lord. This sacred act transcends mere ritual; it embodies deep faith and trust in God's sovereign power. In how many ways did King Hezekiah demonstrate his faith in God?

Pastor James built his sermon around the acronym “SPREAD,” which signifies a pathway to handling life's fears and challenges by relying on God's power.

Step Into Your Sanctuary

5. Stepping into your sanctuary is more than just entering a physical space; it is about creating a heart of worship and surrender. How could you see yourself putting this into practice? As a group, discuss different “sanctuaries” that you could go to.

Praise God’s Greatness

6. Read 2 Kings 19:15. Hezekiah began his prayer by acknowledging God's power and sovereignty. How does our praise demonstrate our faith in God’s sovereign power? What does praise do to our hearts?

7. How does this praise glorify God and shift our perspective from the overwhelming nature of our circumstances to the limitless nature of God's capabilities?

Recognize the Attack

8. Read 2 Kings 19:16. Hezekiah did not ignore the reality of the threat before him. Can you share a time when you ignored a situation and it did not turn out well for you?”

9. How does admitting the threats we face not diminish our trust in God? How does it pave the way for God’s miraculous intervention?

Examine Your Fears with God

10. Read 2 Kings 19:17–18. In his prayer, Hezekiah revealed his deepest fears and worries to God. He was honest and transparent, humbling himself before the Lord. How have you seen God provide comfort and peace as you poured out your heart to Him?

Ask God to Intervene

11. Read 2 Kings 19:19. Hezekiah earnestly asked God for deliverance. How is petitioning God for help demonstrating faith and reliance on His power?

12. Prayer is powerful because it is a direct line of communication with the Creator of the universe. How significant is it that this part of the prayer comes here and earlier in this passage?

Depend on God’s Deliverance

13. Finally, Hezekiah depended wholly on God’s deliverance, trusting that God would act for His glory and the welfare of His people. Just like Hezekiah, how important is it for us not to rush out to handle the threats on our own?

14. Read 2 Kings 19:35-36. Hezekiah’s story culminates in a dramatic display of God’s faithfulness. Do you think there was any doubt in Sennacherib’s mind that the LORD defeated him?

As we face life's myriad threats— personal struggles, societal pressures, or global crises—let us take a page from Hezekiah’s book. Let us Step into our sanctuaries, Praise God's greatness, Recognize our threats, Examine our fears with God, Ask for His intervention, and Depend on His deliverance.