He Knows Suffering

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He Knows Suffering

John 16:31-33

Intro Question: In what ways does the experience of suffering shape how people view God?

1. Jesus Knows Suffering. What are some of the many ways Jesus suffered? How does this truth impact your own perception of pain and adversity in your life? How can you lean on Jesus' empathy during difficult times?

2. Read John 16:31-33. Jesus tells them that they will leave Him all alone. But He wouldn’t be all alone. Who did Jesus say would be with Him? In what ways can we actively acknowledge Jesus' presence during our struggles? Share specific practices or habits that help you maintain awareness of Jesus' presence in your daily life.

3. Reread John 16:31-33. Jesus comforts us by reminding us that even though we will face suffering, He has overcome the world. How does the truth that Jesus has overcome the world shape your response to challenges and trials? How can you cultivate a mindset of confidence and peace in the midst of adversity?

4. Read 2 Corinthians 4:7-10 and 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. What do these passages teach us about the purpose God brings through suffering in our lives? Can you think of other passages that remind us that there is a purpose even in our pain? Discuss practical ways you can shift your perspective to view suffering as a means of spiritual growth and preparation for future glory.

5. Read 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 again. What does it mean to have an eternal perspective during times of suffering? How does this change things for us? Share strategies for prioritizing eternal perspectives over temporary challenges and distractions.

6. Reflecting on the encouragement to trust in Jesus' overcoming power, consider specific areas of your life where you struggle to trust in His victory. How can you actively surrender those areas to Him and rely on His strength?

7. As a group, brainstorm tangible ways to support and encourage one another in applying the sermon's principles to daily life. How can you hold each other accountable in maintaining faith, hope, and perseverance amidst trials?