He Knows Anxiety

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He Knows Anxiety

Matthew 26:36-46

Last week, we learned that Jesus still bears the scars of brokenness. Why? Because He wanted you to know that He knows. But because He knows there are some things he wants you to know that will help you overcome what you are facing. This week, we are going to talk about the main struggle we all face in life: the battle of anxiety.

1. What thought resonated in your heart as Pastor James talked about anxiety this week?

2. Read Matthew 26:36-46. Jesus knew the hour had come for him to go to the cross. How stressed would you have been if you were in that situation? How would you have handled it?

3. In the passage you read, Jesus modeled how to fight to overcome anxiety. Reread the passage and discuss how you see Jesus dealing with His anxiety.

4. One way of overcoming anxiety is to invite others into the struggle. Jesus’ act of inviting others into His moment of crisis underscores the importance of community in our lives, especially when facing our darkest hours. Jesus teaches us that overcoming anxiety is not a solitary journey but requires the presence and support of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Can you share a time in your life when you invited others in to support you? How did it turn out?

5. Pastor James said we must also process our emotions with God. Jesus didn't mask His dread; He voiced it. How does acknowledging our weakness before God actually give us strength?

6. Read 1 Peter 5:7. "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." Peter is saying; come to God and cast all our anxiety on him. Anxiety is not the issue, it’s what we do with it. Have you experienced being set free from anxiety after bringing it to God?

7. Pastor James said we must also surrender our future to God. Surrender isn’t a sign of defeat but of ultimate trust and submission to the Father's plan. Are you willing to imitate Jesus and wrestle with God to surrender your stress so you can embrace God’s dream and purpose for your life?

8. Did God remove Jesus from the situation just because He prayed about it? What did God do for Jesus instead? (See Luke 22:43 for some insight from another Gospel.)

9. Look again at Matthew 26:46. Depression and anxiety don’t get to tell us who we are. They don’t get to control us; they don’t get to determine our future, and they don’t get to set the boundary lines for what God can do. Where did Jesus get the confidence to go and face His accusers?