Remember Your Leaders - Jason Wilson

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How To Live A Life That Counts
Pastor James' 20 Year Celebration

Jason Wilson

Hebrews 13:7

1. What stood out to you in this week’s service?

2. What do the following verses tell us about honoring our leaders: 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13, 1 Timothy 5:17, Romans 12:10.

3. Why is it important for us to celebrate Pastor James?

4. Read Hebrews 13:7: “Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.” What qualities are highlighted as admirable in leaders? How do these qualities contribute to effective leadership?

5. The author of Hebrews tells us that we must Remember our leaders. Pastor James' job is to live and die for you. To pray for you, to encourage you, to warn you, to bless you. Everything that happens at Journey Church falls under Pastor James’ ministry. Share with your group how you have been blessed through the ministries of Journey Church.

6. "Remember…those who spoke to you the word of God." Why is teaching the Word of God better than anything else?

7. Consider the outcome of their way of life. Pastor Jason discussed the importance of being both a lion and a lamb (tough and tender). Why is it vital for us to have that balance?

8. Can you recall stories when Jesus demonstrated toughness and tenderness? What lessons do those stories teach us?

9. Whether it’s Pastor James or any other godly leader, why is it essential for us to surround ourselves with people who set a good, godly example for us?

10. Finally, when talking about a good leader, the author of Hebrews said that we need to “Imitate their faith.” Our challenge this week is to imitate the faith of our leaders. We were challenged to be tough and tender. Can you share with your group what you think the greater challenge is?