Drop Comfortable

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Drop Comfortable

Matthew 25:14-30

1. How would you personally define "comfortable" in the context of your life?

2. In what areas of your life do you find comfort to be a positive thing, and in what areas might it be hindering growth?

3. Read James 1:2-4 Can you share a personal experience where stepping out of your comfort zone or a season that was uncomfortable led to positive change or growth in your life?

4. In what ways are steps of faith always uncomfortable? In what ways do you see steps of faith as essential for personal and spiritual growth?

5. Read Matthew 25:14-15. When it comes to our lives, what has God entrusted us with? 

6. Read Matthew 25:16-23. The master praised and rewarded the servants who multiplied what He had entrusted to them. What does this reveal about what God wants us to do with our lives?

7. In what ways was this approach “risky” or “uncomfortable?”

8. The third servant buried his talent in the ground. In what ways does this represent the “comfortable” or “safe” approach to life?

9. Read Matthew 25:24-30. What reason does the third servant give for why he buried the talent? How did his assumption about the master impact his decisions?

10. One of the key points Jesus makes in this story is that true knowledge and faith in the Master leads to a life that pleases Him. What are some ways that Knowing Jesus gives you confidence to move forward toward growth and steps of faith in life?

11. What is one step of faith God has been calling you to take that you have hesitated in because it is uncomfortable? What is one thing about Jesus you can focus on to build your confidence to take that step in 2024?