Church At The Park

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Church at the Park 2023

4 BIG truths God wants you to know.

Eternal life isn't about simply existing forever; it's about KNOWING God intimately and profoundly. It's about a relationship that transcends time, one that starts right here and right now. A relationship so real it echoes into eternity. When you know God—not just know about Him but really know Him—that's eternal life. We're talking about an intimate, personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe. This week, we will discuss 4 BIG truths that God wants us to know.

1. What stood out to you in this week’s message at the park?

2. Read John 17:3. According to Jesus, what is eternal life? Does Jesus’ definition of eternal life differ from yours in any way? If it does, in what way?

3. Have you ever experienced a longing in your life to find fulfillment only to find satisfaction in your relationship with God? Would you share that with your group?

4. The first thing God wants you to know is that He Created You. Read Genesis 1:27. In what way did God create man? Why would God create us in that way?

5. The second thing God wants you to know is that He Loves You. Read Psalm 139 (yes, the whole Psalm). What does this Psalm tell us about our relationship with God and His love for us?

6. Read Hebrews 4:13. What does this verse say about what God knows about us? How does that make you feel? Why?

7. The third thing God wants you to know is that He Loves You. Read John 3:16. How did God show His love towards us? Why would He do that?

8. Read Romans 5:8. When did God first show His love towards us? Why is that significant?

9. Read John 14:6, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." According to Jesus, how many different ways can we come to the Father? What does this verse tell about trying to get on God’s good side by being a good person?

10. The fourth thing God wants you to know is that He Wants You To Decide. Read Romans 10:13. Who is Paul stating that salvation is for?

11. Read Romans 10:9. According to this verse, what must one do to be saved? What does it mean to be saved?