You Asked For It - Part 6

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You Asked For It - Part 6

How Do You Deal With Doubt?

Psalm 73

All of us, all of us have doubts. We will all face doubt. The issue with doubt is not whether you will have it; the real issue is, What will you do with your doubt? This week we will discuss how doubt can either pull you away from God or pull you closer to God.

Read Psalm 73

1. What would you say to a friend who is struggling with doubt and says to you: “I don’t want to worship. Are you suggesting I come to church and worship even if I doubt God?”

2. Psalm 36:5 declares, "Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies." How does this verse reinforce the idea of God's unwavering faithfulness? How does praising God for who He is encourage us in times of doubt?

Pastor James taught how to battle doubt in the following ways:

Examine your doubts

3. Just because you feel it, does not mean I have to allow it to direct me. Battling Doubt is my responsibility. How can studying and meditating on His Word strengthen our trust in His faithfulness?

Process your doubts with God

4. Sin is not waging war again the doubt, but allowing the doubt to grow and fester and push us away from God. The presence of God is not a place to avoid because you have doubt, it's a place to process your doubt. What did Asaph start doing in verse 17?

5. How can gratitude and praise play a role in acknowledging God's faithfulness in our daily lives?

Look for God’s Goodness

6. Read Psalm 73:28. Asaph is reminding himself of the goodness of God. There is no more powerful tool against debilitating doubt than gratitude. In what ways does God's faithfulness extend beyond our personal circumstances to encompass His promises in Scripture? 

7. Read Lamentations 3:22-23, "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness," how does this assurance impact your perspective on God's faithfulness?

Ask the ultimate question.

8. Read Psalm 73:25-26. What is the ultimate question?

9. Asaph is basically asking, “What do I really want? Why am I mad at God?” The answer always is, “Because I want something more than I want God.” Can you share a time when you realized you wanted something more than God?

10. The psalmist, in Psalm 73, reflects on the fleeting nature of worldly success and realizes that true security lies in God's faithfulness. How can we shift our focus from temporal circumstances to the eternal faithfulness of God?

11. Share a testimony or story of someone who experienced God's faithfulness during challenging circumstances. How does their testimony encourage and remind us of God's unwavering commitment to His people?