You Are Not Alone – Part 2

Watch the Message

In his video, Nick said (if you have not seen the video yet, go find it), “It’s okay not to be okay, but it’s not okay to stay that way!” What are your thoughts on this statement?

1. Read Philippians 1:6. Is there anything in this world that we can have more confidence in than Jesus? What are we promised here in this verse? How have you seen God work in your life?

2. Read John 4:4. “Now he had to go through Samaria.” Really? Jesus is God; He didn’t have to do anything. His disciples certainly did not want to go through Samaria. Samaria was actually out of their way on this trip. Why did Jesus have to go through Samaria?

3. Read John 4:5-10. Pastor James talked a lot about living water. What does living water mean to you?

4. Read John 4:11-15. Jesus promised He would give all believers “a spring of water welling up to eternal life." How have you seen the living water “welling up” in people around you? How have you seen it in your own life?

5. Read 1 Peter 2:24. Jesus says, I am the one that has come to rescue you. I am the one that can HEAL YOU. When we think of healing…we think events. We want it to just go away NOW. But healing is always an invitation to a relationship with Jesus. Why is it hard to have patience as we go through the process?

6. Read John 4:16-18. Jesus now goes right to the heart of the message. Jesus reveals her most profound hurt, the very thing she didn’t want to talk about, that she doesn’t want anyone to see. If you never begin to deal with it, you will never begin to heal from it. Why do we tend to run and hide from the healing that is available for us?

7. Read John 7:37–38. Pastor James said the first step towards healing is “Focus on Jesus.” If we truly believe what we say we believe, is there anything more important than seeking a relationship with Jesus?

8. Read John 4:19-28. She left her water jar. What did the water jar represent for the woman? Why do we have to leave behind all the things we put trust in before we can experience healing?

The three steps that Pastor James shared with us are:

    -Focus on Jesus

    -Leave the Jar

    -Ask to be filled

Let the one who is thirsty come, and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.Revelation 22:17 NIV. Prayer: “Lord, Fill me with the river of life in my inmost being. Let the water of life flow in me to heal, refresh, and restore what is barren, withered, and broken. Give me the strength that prevails, Lord. Give me joy and hope in you. Let the water of life bring flourishing to every area of my life.”