Church at the Park

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Have you ever really wanted to get somewhere but didn’t know how to get there? What was that like for you? What did you do to find a solution to your situation?

Read Luke 5:1-2. What is going on in these verses? What was Jesus doing? What was Peter doing?

Read Luke 5:3. If Peter was just half-listening in the first two verses, how much do you think he paid attention to Jesus’ words now? Why is it important for us to “Lean in” and pay close attention to the Word of God?

Read Luke 5:4-5. Peter was exhausted; he had been fishing all night to no avail. Can you imagine yourself resisting after you’ve already tried everything to fix your situation? Can you share a time when you felt hopeless and wanted to give up, but you trusted God to take one more step?

Read Luke 5:6-7. When you “step out” in faith and encounter the living God, He will do amazing things in your life. What was Jesus telling Peter by the miracle that happened here?

Read Luke 5:8-10. Why did Peter respond the way he did? As a group, list as many possible reasons as you can (hint: there is more than one).

Read Luke 5:11. Why is it so important that they left everything to follow Jesus? What would have been the ramifications if Peter had not left everything?

Let’s apply these verses to our lives now. If you own a Bible, you have God’s Word right there in your hands. How often does it sit there unopened? How often do we not pay close attention to what the Bible says? What would it take in your life for you to “lean in” and pay close attention to God’s word, to take steps to trust God to lead you, to let go of your past and let go of your future so that God could take you to live a life of victory?