Bad Vibes • Part 5

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Bad vibes cause hurt. We’ve all been hurt by someone else. Learning to deal with the hurt is essential for a happy and balanced life. As long as you allow yourself to remain angry with someone else, you continue to play a role in their drama. On one occasion, Peter asked Jesus for advice on how to deal with people who’ve hurt him. Today we will talk about how to deal with the hurt done to you.

1. Can you share about a time when someone hurt you? How did you deal with it? Was that easy for you or hard?

2. Read Matthew 18:21-22. What do you find interesting about Peter’s question? What do you find interesting about Jesus’ response to Peter’s question?

3. What, if anything, seems difficult or unrealistic about Jesus’ answer in the previous verse?

4. Read Matthew 18:23-35. Jesus describes the kingdom of heaven. What stands out to you in this passage?

5. Re-read verse 34. Who is “owed” in this verse? This servant does not owe anything anymore to the King. The king forgave ALL his debt. What is still “owed” in this verse?

6. The servant who would not forgive created his own prison. How does refusing to forgive someone hold us captive in our own prison? Holding on to what is owed you only causes more pain and keeps you imprisoned. Why is it so hard to “Let go of what is owed you”?

7. Read Matthew 18:35. Why do you think Jesus referred to God as Heavenly Father rather than judge?

8. Can you share a time when you forgave someone and found that it was you who was set free?

 9. What is a debt that you need to release from your life right now?

10. This week write down the names of the people who have hurt you. Pray for each person by name:

    · Acknowledge it happened, and hurts

    · Consider what is really owed to you?

    · Let go of what is owed

    · Choose to remember God’s mercy