On Location Sermon – February 27

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1. Would you say you are distracted easily? What are some examples of situations where your attention gets pulled away from what you are doing?
2. As a group try to think of a list of examples in life where what is urgent can pull your attention away from what is important. Why do you think this is the case?
3. Read 1 Timothy 4:7-10. In this passage, Paul is reminding Timothy that the present can steal your focus from the eternal. What are some examples from your life where the concerns of the here and now steal your focus from pursuing God and His kingdom?
4. Read Matthew 4:1-2. When we look at the example of Jesus we see that there are some personal practices that help you keep your focus on what's most important: pursuing God and His kingdom. In this passage, we see that Jesus is fasting. Fasting is sacrificing something you need or rely on in order to focus on what you need even more than that: God. Can you think of any examples of fasting you have seen or taken part in in your life?
5. Fasting shifts your focus to the spiritual. How does this work?
6. Read Matthew 4:3-4. In this passage, Jesus teaches us that, just like we depend on food for physical life, we find our spiritual life in God's Word. Reading the Bible fills you with God's wisdom. In what ways have you experienced true life through reading God’s Word? How does this help you focus on what is truly most important?
7. Read Matthew 4:5-11 & Psalm 119:11. Each time Jesus faces temptation, He combats the attack by quoting the truth of God’s Word from memory. Memorizing scripture grounds you in the truth and allows you to fight off temptation. How does memorizing scriptures help you stay grounded in God's truth?
8. Read Hebrews 10:24-25. What are the benefits of pursuing community with other Christians that are mentioned in this passage? How does joining in community empower you to keep living for what truly matters?  
9. What are some things that can convince you to neglect meeting together with other believers? How do you overcome these things?
10. As you prepare for 40 Days, which of the five commitments will be most difficult for you? How can we as a group help you take these steps?
  • Participate 
  • Read
  • Join with others
  • Memorize
  • Sacrifice


1. How do you know when someone really loves and cares for you? How do you know when someone really loves and cares for God?
2. Read John 2:15-17. How have you seen the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of life played out in the lives of others? Which of these areas is the biggest temptation for you?
3. Matthew 6:24 says “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.” What does Matthew mean when he says we can’t serve two masters?

4. Read James 4:6-8. It says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Submit yourselves therefore to God.” What is the connection between pride, humility, and submitting to God?
5. Read 1 Samuel 15:7-11. Can you share a time when you did not go to God in prayer and God’s word to know His direction in a situation, acting upon your own desires? What was the result?
6. Read 1 Peter 5:6-8. We have a real enemy that is like a lion always on the prowl seeking someone he can devour. Peter lists 4 ways we can defend our enemy; Satan. What are they? How can you be a better warrior against him?
7. Athletes have healthy practices like eating right, training and sleeping on a tight schedule. We also need healthy practices to progress and grow spiritually. Pastor Tim listed 5 principles for spiritual growth. They were studying and memorizing scripture, prayer, fasting, joining in community, generosity, and serving others. In which areas do you need the most practice? How can your group help?
8. Can you list the five commitments to implement during the 40 Days journey? Spend time praying with your group for the Holy Spirit to move through each of you as you journey through the commitments together. 

Orange City

This week we are going to talk about discipline. Not the kind of discipline that is associated with punishment, rather, the kind where the benefits far outweigh the negatives.

1. What is one thought or idea that stood out to you from this week’s message?
2. Read 1 Timothy 4:1-2. How do you see the words of Paul being relevant in our society today? What’s the greatest danger of falling for these lies?
3. Read 1 Timothy 4:7-8. According to these verses what should we endeavor to stay away from and what should we pursue? Is that easy to do?
4. Read 1 Timothy 4:9-10. What is our hope? Is the work easy? Why is it so important?
5. We know we need to train for godliness, but many of us don’t know how. For any kind of training to be done well, you need a goal, a plan, accountability, and sacrifice. What advantage would it be for you to have a group of people walking through this training with you?
6. As you prepare for 40 Days, which of the five commitments will be most difficult for you? How can we as a group help you take these steps?
  • Participate
  • Read
  • Join with others
  • Memorize
  • Sacrifice