Does God Really Care?

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Last week we talked about how you view God determines how you live your life. This week we are going to look at God’s compassion. It's not hard to get people to believe that God can do anything. "The universe declares the glory of God and the skies show forth His power, the firmament His handiwork"(Psalm 19:1). It isn’t can God make an ocean that I wonder about, it is can God still the seas within me? God, I know You can, but will You? It pushes us to ask…Does God really care about me?

1. If you were to describe yourself with just one word, what word would you use? How important is it that God chooses the word compassionate to begin to describe Himself?

2. Can you name someone in your life whom you would describe as compassionate?

3. Read Exodus 34:6-7. The first attribute of God found in Exodus 34 is compassionate. The word compassion comes from the Hebrew word “rakhum”, which is related to the word for womb. How does that paint a picture of God’s compassion for you?

4. Read Psalm 145:8–9. What does this passage say about the extent of God’s compassion?

5. Read the following verses: Psalm 103:8,10-14, Isaiah 49:15–16, Psalm 139:13&18, Nehemiah 9:26–28. What do they say about how God intimately cares about you?

6. How does it make you feel to know that when it comes to you, God always has time for every little thing about you?

7. What do the following verses say about how God intentionally takes care of you? Deuteronomy 4:29–31, Isaiah 49:10, Psalm 145:9 & 16, 2 Corinthians 1:3–4, Lamentations 3:22–23.

8. Read 1 Peter 5:6–7, "Cast ALL your anxiety on him because He CARES for YOU." According to this passage, how do you really know if you see God as compassionate?

9. Read Luke 6:36. There’s just no way to experience the compassion of God and not be changed! Is there someone you need to forgive, someone who needs your care, someone that needs compassion? Go and be like your Father.