When No One Has The Strength

Watch the Message
  1. Read Mark 5:1-13. What are your initial thoughts when you read this story? What sticks out to you? Why?
  2. What were some of the things the townspeople tried to do in order to overcome this man’s situation?
  3. What do you think they believed about this man when they concluded that “no one had the strength…”?
  4. Have you ever faced a situation in your life when everyone around you and maybe even you, reached the point where you believed no one had the power to fix it or change it? What was that experience like?
  5. How does it bring encouragement to you, when you are confident that Jesus has the strength even when no one else does? How have you seen this truth working in your life?
  6. Read Mark 5:14-17. Why do you think the people asked Jesus to leave? Why do you think it is possible for someone to see the power of Jesus, yet not trust in Him?
  7. Read Mark 5:18-20. Why did Jesus tell the man to stay in that area?
  8. The truth we learn is that many times Jesus shows His power through our story of a changed life. Have you seen this principle at work before? Share an example.
  9. What is one area you or someone you know is facing where it is easy to give up hope? Pray together as a group, inviting Jesus into those situations and for strength to trust in Him.