Talking with God • Part 1

Watch the Message
  1. One of the truths we talk about a lot at the Journey is that God’s power is unleashed through prayer. What is one specific way you have experienced this truth in your life? Are there any stories you have walked through where you saw God answer prayer in a powerful way? 
  2. Read Mark 11:12-25. What are some of the parts of this passage that stick out to you most as you read it? What insight did you gain from the sermon this week about this passage? 
  3. Read Mark 11:20-24 again. What truth does Jesus want them to know about faith when it comes to prayer? 
  4. Prayer shows faith to invite God into a situation. Why do we sometimes hesitate to invite Him into situations we face? What are we missing out on when we fail to invite God in? 
  5. Prayer shows faith to lean on His power. What would change about your prayers if you looked at life through the lens of what God has the power to do instead of what you have the power to do? 
  6. Prayer shows faith to believe He is a good Father. Why do you think we sometimes believe that God doesn’t want to answer our prayers? How should you respond when you pray for something and God doesn’t work in the way you wanted Him to? 
  7. As we enter 21 Days of Prayer, what is one situation you’re facing that you are inviting God into? How can we support you in this as a group?