Renovations and Remodeling

We need your help to renovate and remodel the Historic Dreka Theater! If you have experience in construction, remodeling, plumbing, electrical work, or related fields, we would love to hear from you. Please fill out the form below with your information.

Contractor Form

Over the past five years, we have witnessed God's movement through our DeLand Location, where we have been gathering on weekends at DeLand High School. For the past two years, we've been praying that God would lead us to a building which would provide us a more permanent presence in the community.

Where are we at now?

Currently, we are in Phase 2 where we have partnered with the Aspen Group to renovate and remodel the Dreka Theater to do ministry effectively! As we continue in Phase 2, we look to take the biggest step of faith as a church as we raise 2 million dollars! As we continue, it will take all of us giving above and beyond to make this happen.

Stories of Life Change