Back To School Prep

Published: 8/12/2024

By Adrienne Lugo


Back-to-school season is always a blend of emotions. The excitement of new notebooks, pencils and backpacks is met with the anticipation and stress of new environments, new teachers, and new classmates. Parents and kids are both faced with the task of adjusting to new routines and busier schedules. Though, in the midst of all of the emotions, there are ways we as parents can guide and support our kids to embrace this season.

1. Pray together

A new school year is filled with potential and possibilities and starting each day with prayer can set a positive and peaceful tone for everyone involved.

• Morning Prayer: Before school starts, take some time to pray with your kids. This could be during breakfast or in the car. Pray and ask for God’s blessings on all they do, friendships, and health. Pray for their teachers and all the new experiences they will encounter.

• Scripture Reflection: Choose a verse or passage that resonates with you and your family. It can be something you read during your own time reading the Bible, something you heard in a sermon or Bible verse you saw on social media. Reflect on the verse together and how it can guide them through the school day.

2. Establish purposeful routines

We all have routines or rhythms in our homes that happen throughout the day. When we give them a purpose, they can help provide stability and structure, especially during a time of transition.

• Morning: Mornings can be busy with trying to get everyone up and out the door. However, all of us benefit from starting the day with a positive outlook and being centered on God’s presence. Listen to worship music on the drive to wherever you and your family are going.

• After-School: A consistent after-school routine helps kids learn to manage their time and expectations. Depending on their age, designate a time each day for homework, family time and relaxation. It might take some time to figure out what works best for your family but keep adjusting until the rhythm feels balanced.

• Bedtime: We all need to wind down before bed. For your kids, this could look like reading a book and praying together.

3. Encourage and affirm your kids

Speaking words of encouragement over your kids will go a long way. Sometimes it takes a lot of repetition for it to sink in and sometimes it can take even longer for you to get to see them walking confidently in those affirmations but reinforcing and encouraging them is worth it. Celebrate their achievements, encourage open and honest communication, and remind them of their worth and the love God has for them. Some of those affirmations can sound like these:

• They are loved by God and you.

• God has equipped them with strength and courage to face the day.

• The Lord will guide their steps and fill their heart with wisdom today.

• May God’s protection surround them throughout the day.

• The Lord has a plan for them and they can trust in it.

• They are capable of achieving great things through Him.

4. Prioritizing among the busyness

Our schedules always feel full with school, work, cooking, errands, homework, sports, dance lessons, and appointments. Some days it can feel like we have gone from thing to thing or event to event and by the end of the day we aren’t sure what we’ve accomplished. It’s easy to let the busyness take over but it’s important to prioritize your family’s time. Keeping faith as a priority for your family is crucial in all seasons but busy and slow.

• Faith in daily life: When talking about schoolwork, friendships, personal challenges you can bring in ways to handle those situations based off what the Bible says. Ask your kids intentional questions about what their favorite part of the day was and why. Help them make the connection when their favorite part was a blessing from God or answer to prayer.

• Church: Attend church regularly as a family. Build it into your schedules so that both you and your kids get to hear about Jesus and be in community with others.

5. Trust God with their future

As parents, it’s so easy to worry about your kids future. Whether they are 16 years old or 2 months old, as parents we want to protect, guide and help them in every circumstance. But there is peace in entrusting them to God’s care. As much as we love our kids, God loves them even more than we do.

• Read and Memorize: There is so much in the Bible that talks about God’s protection, wisdom, and plans for our lives. As we read those promises, we can memorize them and repeat them back to ourselves in moments of looking for peace over our kids future.

• Pray: Talk with God and acknowledge that your trust Him with your kids future. Ask Him to guide, protect, and bless them. Ask Him to guide you in your own faith and how to best lead them.

As you prepare for the new school year, embrace this time of transition. Create an environment where your family can thrive spiritually, emotionally, and academically. God is with you and your kids every step of the way. You have a unique strength to lean on and guidance from God, enabling you to provide the wisdom, love, and support your kids need to grow and thrive.